My Favorite Piece of American Literature

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It’s the end of the semester and we are given one piece to give credit to that we enjoyed reading. I’m glad to say that there was a vast selection of amazing pieces of literature made by famous American writers, but one definitely stood out for me and that was “Letters From an American Farmer”. The message Crevecoeur was sending spoke volumes about becoming citizens of the greatest country that every lived (at the time). But somehow along the way, a country founded by immigrants started to hate the fact of immigrants coming over and taking jobs. Now some people believe that immigrants can become citizens if done diplomatically, but famous politicians and many other people say they don’t want any immigrants at all or rather no immigrants from poor countries. We’re a proud nation before, currently, and most definitely will continue to be because we change for the better, but we still have a lot of work to do. If you yourself have not read Crevecoeur’s “Letters From an American Farmer” do so and be inspired to learn much more than what you were told.


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